Sunday, September 18, 2011

If you heart your heart....

You should consider supporting the American Heart Association!  The AHA hosts Heart Walks all over the country throughout the year to raise money for research, education and advocacy.  These are great opportunities to raise funds, show support and best of all...WALK!  If you are mostly inactive (like, ahem, ME), incorporating more walking into your day-to-day life is one of the best ways you can get your heart working and start living a more active lifestyle.

This year my company will be walking as a team in our city's Heart Walk.  You can help support my efforts by making a donation through the button below.

To donate online, the AHA can only accept a minimum donation of $25.  I realize that that can be a bit of a blow, so to "sweeten" the pot, I'll be sending every person who donates at least a small token of my appreciate.  Of course, if you're a follower here, that token is VERY likely to be lacquer-related.  Also, every person who donates is entered to win this ADORABLE plush heart.

To start things off on the right foot, I picked up a perfect heart-smart red, Forever Yummy by Essie.

Please don't hold Essie responsible for this crappy picture.  It really is a gorgeous warm red.  I might have gotten away with one coat, but to be sure, this is two.  This polish has all the qualities of Essie's fantastic formula.  Who knows...maybe the winner of the heart will also end up with this beauty?  *Wink, wink*

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any support you may be able to give!

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