Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunny, thank you for the joy that you've given me!

Y'all, every time I do a single-day mani and take a picture of it on the very day after I've already posted, I tell myself I'm gonna keep that picture in my pocket for a day when I really need to post, but haven't changed my mani in several days.  Well, every time I do that, I find I can't sit on that picture for more than a few short days before being overcome with the need to SHARE that picture!

I have been sitting on some photos for about a week now of one lovely chica that I picked up from Zoya recently.  Prepare thyself for...SUNNY!  *Woohoo!  Yay! Rah!  Applause, Applause!*  (From my little desk chair, I like to pretend that you're all that excited over the introduction of new colors, although I am fairly certain you're really not.)

Ain't she just a BEAUT?  I was really quite captivated by this color.  It's a lovely coral that's plenty orange, but still has juuuuust enough pink that it's flattering to my cool-toned pale skin.  Love this!

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