Sunday, February 13, 2011

Let's Go Predators!

My love for Nutella finally paid off when I recently won our company's holiday bake-off with Nutella Gooey Butter Bars.  MAN, were those things good!  As if the sheer joy of eating them wasn't enough, my prize was our company's suite for a Nashville Predators hockey game.  Woohoo!  Me and fifteen of my closest friends and family, acting like ballas in a private suite.  Granted, we had to pay for food and drink, but STILL!

I redeemed my prize last night, and we all had a blast.  Even better, we won!  In honor of the event, I decided to try my hand (haha) at my very first Ruffian-style manicure.

Whaddya think?  As a Ruffian, I didn't think it came out too badly, but I have to confess:  this was a rescue solution.  It was supposed to be silver with a navy ring finger, and the silver was to have navy dots while the navy finger was to have yellow dots.  Yeah, FAIL.  I suck at dots.

FYI:  I'm sensing a trend.  Blues are hard to clean up.

Colors:  OPI DS Coronation, American Apparel Passport Blue


  1. I love it! I have been looking for a good navy, any suggestions? I just got a good light teal from OPI called Suzi Say Feng Shuy(sp?)! It is wonderful. Did a half moon manicure with it today and it looks amazing. I think you would love the color, this is if you don't already have it.


  2. Hiya, Kristy! I'm thinking Feng Shui (sp? haha!) is probably a lighter shade of Ski Teal We Drop, which I loved...I'll have to compare them!

    This American Apparel is about as true a navy as I think a person could hope for. Application was great, too. There's an American Apparel downtown on Broadway.

  3. I got mine directly from during their recent Facebook followers promo.

  4. Love your Ruffian! Ruffians are the BEST!

  5. @Annelise - Thanks! You've got MAD skills!


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